Having my face licked
Erin loves having her face licked. Her second husband would lick it any time, any place! “I just love the sensation, and I don’t have to wash...
Erin loves having her face licked. Her second husband would lick it any time, any place! “I just love the sensation, and I don’t have to wash...
Mary loves to howl – but never on a full moon. She likes it really dark and then goes outside and lets rip an awesome howl! She says it releases tension and makes her feel great! Check out Mary’s howl here...
At the “Happiness and it’s Causes” Conference, Melissa reported that Cancer made her happy! Having being diagnosed with two different Ovarian cancers – one in each ovary, things were not looking great. “It made me stop and concentrate on myself”, she reports. “I came to realise that in my case it was my emotional body that gave me the cancer, not my physical body”....
Maite has a baby parrot which can get a little over-excited at times. She calms him down by blowing him with a warm hair dryer. He loves it and it makes Maite happy seeing her parrot lushing it up in the warm...
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